Elisa Amoroso born in 1954, is a painter who lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. She received a BFA with honors from the University of Illinois and went on

to receive an MFA from the Art Institute of Chicago.  She also studied architecture at The Cooper Union School of Architecture with John Hejduk and Peter Eisenman.

Her work has been exhibited at The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois,  Artemisia Gallery, Chicago, Illinois, West Hubbard Gallery, Chicago, Illinois, American Drawings III, Smithsonian Institute,  S.U.N.Y. Purchase NY,  The Institute for Art and Urban Resources, P.S.1, NY,  Rosa Esman Gallery, NY. NY., Soho Center for Visual Arts, NY. NY., Grace Borgenicht Gallery, NY. NY., City Gallery, NY. NY., Fort Edward Art Center, NY., Artwalk NY., Frederick Spratt Gallery, California, Art in General, NY. NY, The Drawing Center NY. NY., The Museum of Modern Art, P.S.1. NY. NY.

Elisa also illustrated a book of poetry by Poet Brian Swann titled “Unreal Estate” which included original etchings and drawings for the edition.

Collections: Chase Manhattan Bank

Reviews: Art News, Chicago Tribune, The New Art Examiner